Monday, January 18, 2010


I want you to be the first person to greet me good morning everyday. I want you to be the first person I see everyday. I want you to be the person I will hold hands with whenever we like. I want you to be the person I’ll tell my dreams with. I want you to be the person who would offer me hugs when I’m feeling cold. Or even if I’m not. I want you to be the person who would call me late at night and who would talk with me until the wee hours of the morning. I want you to be the person who would tutor me with my math and science homeworks. I want you to be the person who would come knocking on my door whenever I’m sick. I want you to be the person who would just get me, me and my quirks. I want you to be the person who would love me despite of all my flaws. I want you to be the person I could slow dance with even if there’s no music playing. I want you to be the person who would wait for me in the rain with a soggy bouquet. I want you to be the person who would always sit by my side and who would let me rest my head on your shoulder. I want you to be the person who I could watch fireworks with. I want you to be the person who would take me into a carnival by the beach. I want you to be the person who I could watch sunsets with. I want you to be the person who would wear matching stuff with me. I want you to be the person who would tell me I Love You at random times. I want you to be the person who would buy me cotton candy and ice creams at sunday afternoon at parks. I want you to be the person who would write me poem and songs everyday. I want you to be the person who would make an effort on valentine’s day, kneel in front of me and bring out a cute dorky ring and say, “Will you be mine?”. I want you to be the person who would always complete my christmas wish. I want you to be the person who would sing me my favorite songs. Even if you’re not a good singer. I want you to be the person who would make my parents smile and laugh and feel impressed. I want you to be the person I would spend my entire life with.Forever.

All these things, I want to be true. Because of one unbelievable reason: I love you.

(via thisisnotfragile)