Sunday, May 16, 2010


These are easy to say especially for those who have not really felt true love.   I am guilty of all of these because I have done them all.  Is it worth it? That is one thing I am finding out yet.  For now, learn from these Do's and Don'ts, and be able to overcome struggles in Love.

Do not fall in love everytime you fall in bed. ...Learn to detach emotionally.  Sex does not equal commitment.  Do not revolve your entire life around him/her.... Addiction is bad for your health!  Do not cling, act needy or demand....Doormats are for your feet, not your heart.  It's OK to say NO!

Stop talking so much. NEVER reveal everything.  Do not grill them or their friends for information. Master the art of LISTENING. Treat him/her as you would your best friend.  Friendship creates long term love and comes before sex. FORGET about fixing your partner. IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN. Your choice of partner is a reflection of who you are and who you are not!

Enjoy the moment first. Live in the present. ...Don't worry about the ex's or start naming your
future children.  NEVER read their journal or go through their paperwork. ...If you have no trust, you have no relationship.  Allow space and freedom between you. DO NOT always be available. Calling frequently is a turn off and signals insecurity, neediness and control. Open your eyes to lies and cheating, OR... close them, justify the bad behaviour, and live with the consequences. Little or no eye contact? Start walking. They won't even notice your gone.

Anyone preoccupied with their physical appearance and dress, usually have very little or nothing to offer from within. ...Look beyond the physical! Never compromise your values. If you OVER give, you will lose your lover and his respect. DO NOT LOSE YOUR IDENTITY. December/May relationships are great. However, seasons change and the May lover will sooner or later, hear the call of Spring. If someone REALLY wants to be with you, they will be. State your personal rules in the very beginning or expect them to be broken. If they ask to be just friends, be just that and look elsewhere for a love partner.  If someone wants to really be with you, they will. If they keep giving reasons for not calling or say they ar extremely busy, GET THE HINT, leave them alone.

Don't ever give up your friends for him/her. If your partner one day leaves you, be sure you have
friends, money, a career and a life of your own which you never gave up. ...If you do not, who do you have to blame but yourself!
"Love isn't something we hold, it is something we set free, It's not something we just do, but it's something we don't imagine to be. Lastly, it's not something we choose, it chooses us... "