Monday, January 03, 2011


It is already 2011 and another year for Miyabe Tayo. I decided to make new things for this blog and I have started it by changing my theme. Do you like it? If you happen to have any reaction on the new layout and theme please let me know. Another thing I wanted to change is the logo if this blog which is the image on the left and I have been using it for ads on other websites and blog promotion services. If there is one thing that I remember in topics about marketing, business or blog promotion is the word "branding" and the one of the first things on it is your logo. 

A company’s logo must be unique and catchy for it to be recognized and remain on the minds of people as long as possible. It should be the company’s icon that will make the company stand out from the rest. Your company or any other businesses out there is different from each other so it is important that logos must not be generic or copied from other sources. It should be unique so a Custom Logo Design is always the first priority in starting a business or company.

I will change Miyabe Tayo Logo and make it into a customize logo that is unique and catchy and that will represent the real theme of this blog.  I will try and make one and if not I will ask professional logo makers to make me one.  If you have suggestions please let me know.  Thanks.

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