Monday, February 27, 2012


Dear Future Girl,

You are everything I ever hoped, dreamed for, and so much more. I want you to be mine always and forever. Each day with you will be a new adventure and I can think of nobody better to have by my side. I’ll always do my best to make you laugh even if I have to make a fool of myself just so everyone can see your amazing smile. I want to make feel like you are the luckiest girl in the world and make you happy each and every day. I’ll cook you dinner and do cute things for you. I will tell you now I don’t believe in Valentine’s Day because I just think it’s a sorry excuse for a holiday. They just raise the prices of flowers and every restaurant fills up with a bunch of guys trying to treat their girls right for a night. I don’t think that’s right because a girl should be treated that way 365 days of the year and not just go over the top one day.
I’ll tell you how amazing you are everyday that we’re together. I’ll always tell you how beautiful you are inside and out. I don’t care if you don’t believe me at first because I’m going to keep telling you till you believe it too. Even when that happens I will never stop. I want to kiss your forehead in the morning, your neck throughout the day, and your lips at night. I want to spend hours, just me and you, talking about anything and everything. I don’t mind silence though, as long as you don’t get mad when you catch me staring at you. I can’t help but smile knowing that you will always be mine. I can’t wait to cuddle and hold you close in my arms. I’m far away from perfect but I have this ridiculous amount of love that I want to share with you.
Everyone has their flaws but it’s those flaws that make us unique. I accept you for who you are and will always support you no matter what. Sometimes I’ll have too much energy and drive you crazy, I’ll piss you off, and I’ll probably have a few moments that make you just want to punch me. Just know whatever may happen I’ll always do my best to make up for it. I’ll never let you go to bed mad at me. I’m never going to give up on you or give up on us. I’ll never put you down or make you feel unworthy in this world. I’m going to stick by your side through the good, bad, and the ugly. I’ll be your rock when you need strength. I’m going to cherish each and every day that I’m with you and I’ll never take you for granted. You will always know how much I care about you.


Hopeless Romantic


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