Romance is a state of mind. Romance is about the little is more about the small gestures..the little ways of making daily life with your soulmate a bit more special… it is about small meaningful surprises more then the extravagant expensive gestures.
There are really two kinds of romance: Obligatory romance & Optional romance
Obligatory romance includes celebrating her birthday, getting her a gift for Christmas/the holiday sesaon, acknowledging your anniversary and remembering Valentine’s Day
Optional romance is everything else…little surprises ..big surprises, candle lit dinners, champagne and oyster toasts, weekend getaways, sending funny cards, romantic cards..finding new web sites you think she would like…building a new blog site or populating one to surprise her..exercising your creativity..massages..surprise date..just because notes..watching romantic movies..writing love letters and poems and leaving them on pillow..learning to listen with your ears…eyes and heart…listening for the meaning behind the actions…listening for the message behind the words. via erospainter