Tuesday, January 26, 2010


MANILA, Philippines—Describing it as “highly immoral, scandalous and detestable,” a lawmaker on Monday called for the criminalization of gay marriage.

In proposing House Bill 6919, Manila Representative Bienvenido Abante Jr. said same sex union “would snap the remaining strand of our moral values.”

Abante, a pastor and chairman of the public information committee, said there is no specific provision yet in the Revised Penal Code penalizing persons who enter in same sex marriage or those who solemnize the marriage.

“While there is no documented same sex marriage yet in our country, the absence of clear legislation serves as an invitation to same sex marriage,” he said.

Violators face 15 years’ imprisonment and a fine of not more than P150,000, according to the bill. It also provides a 12-year jail term and a fine of P100,000 for anybody who misdeclares or hides his or her true sex for the purpose of securing marriage license.

Any person who issues marriage license or who solemnizes the same sex union faces an imprisonment of 10 years and a fine of not more than P100,000.

See inquirer post for more details - Solon seeks to criminalize same sex union