Saturday, November 20, 2010


One of the foundations of a relationship to really work is time. When I say time, it is not really about knowing time by looking at you hermle clocks but by sharing each other’s life through years. Through time, you and your partner will grow. You need to know each other not only by each other facts but by knowing each other’s character, habits, likes and dislikes, attitude and all other things that has something to do to the both of you. For you to be able to know each other you both need time for communication and time to spend for each other.

Time for communication means being able to talk comfortably of anything whether it will hurt your partner or not and being able to share ones thoughts even it is the opposite what your partner believes in. It also means being able to find time just to have a conversation with your partner even the both of you so very busy even though it is just 10 minutes a day so that the both of you can share each other activities especially during a busy day.

Time for each other means, having an opportunity for romance. This means having a time together alone even at least once a week. You can spend your date anywhere or you could both attend any happenings so that you could both spend together the time knowing each other and sharing the experience together. It does not have to be an expensive date. In fact, you could just spend each other together watching television and eating meals while having a great conversation about the both of you or even about anything.

Remember this note – try to find time for opportunities where you will surely find each other. Always find time wherein you will have steps for both of you to grow up as a partner. Great relationships require time and through that time you need effort.

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