Thursday, August 16, 2012


I just finished watching another college teen movie flick and its setting was in the London part. Have you noticed that most often this kind of movies include the prom scene and it is part of the story’s climax. When there is prom, definitely there would be limousines with all those champagnes, big sound, and leather comfortable seats, operable windows, TV and a lot more features. Just imagine, you the guy arrives in a limousine and your date waiting at her house and the excitement of her showing upon seeing you will get there by a limousine. Great isn’t it. I just have one question though, why is that they usually, open the roof part of the limousine and they all get into it and shout? Looks like a lot of fun right. Well, that is the beauty of having a limousine or if it is just a limo hire London, you will definitely get into your prom or any kind of event in style and you will definitely make an impression to the other visitors. Now, I know why they arrive late. The more lately the more guest have already arrived in the venue for them to see you arrive in a limousine and that pink limousine is perfect for this one.
Aside from prom, weddings are also another event where they use the services of a limousine. Why, because it is just so elegant and it will definitely give the excitement and leave an impression to those waiting for the bride at the church’s door. They say it is expensive but anyone wants the best in their wedding day. So, if you are planning a wedding soon and can afford it then go straight to any London wedding car hire and book yourself one.

Well, they have use this as well on ordinary dates just to impress a girl. On a long drive vacations especially if you will be with your special someone. Anyway, you can use and hire a limousine and use it when you have special activity with your special someone whether it is a girlfriend, wife, or just a friend. It is not cheap so make it a very special activity.

Oops.. I better check one right now. Have a nice day.