It was fun night celebration with my old good friends last weekend and it was a blast. Some of us have not seen each other since College graduation. We were able to fill in on the years that we have not seen each other. Stories of our naughty and fun past college days and what happened to each one of us after that. Thanks to social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter for some of us have communication with each other and from that we had the chance to setup a reunion when two of them were visiting the Manila at the same time.
Each one has a different and interesting story to contribute. Some have settled down, some have kids, some are doing great in their careers, and some are enjoying their lives doing their hobbies like, mountain hiking, biking, travelling and stuffs. Our topics went to those up to how some of us end up with their partners in life. Others were childhood sweethearts, some were introduced by friends, but most have met each other through various social networks. One of them who have migrated in Los Angeles after graduating college has something interesting to share. He shared to us how some of friends who are single and successful were into online dating but grew tired of it and seeks the assistance of a Los Angeles matchmaking and relationship consultants to help them find the right partner for them. He said that it is not just finding a woman or a man for you who are nice and good looking but also guiding your relationship to the fullest. They say it is easy to find attractive women but it is difficult to find the right woman that can dig your lifestyle, your attitude, your goals, etc.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Monday, September 10, 2012
Date a man who doesn’t spend his money on drink, or clothes, or video games, but saves what he has to go on adventures and pursue his dreams. He might have problems dealing with everyday things but no-one sees the possibilities life holds like he does. This is a man who is ready for anything, who will drop everything on a moment’s notice to run away and get lost somewhere with you or show up unannounced to whisk you away on some crazy adventure. Date a man who sees the world in millions of colours, who has his head in the clouds and his feet on the ground.
Date a man who hasn’t got the money to spoil you or shower you with gifts but finds a way to do it anyway. You can trust that he’ll find a way to touch your heart and make you feel special in new ways. He knows that words and gifts aren’t what matters. Every time he gives you something or writes to you he is giving you a piece of his soul. And every time you give him something or write to him he will truly treasure it and understand the effort you put in to choosing the gift, the words, or even making it yourself.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Keep your tears to yourself. It’s perfectly normal to be sad after a break up, but don’t let your ex see how much you’re hurting; save those tears for when you are alone or with close friends.
Flirt. Subtly flirt with your ex just enough to make them wonder if breaking up was really the best thing to do.
Enjoy being single. If you enjoy being single, it will send a clear message to your ex that your life is still great even without them in it.
A night out with friends. Make your ex wonder what you’ve been up to by posting vague status updates about your outings with friends.
Make plans. Make casual plans with your ex to grab coffee or lunch and then, the day of, cancel because “something came up.”
Talk about your friends. Don’t be shy about talking about fun things you’ve been doing with your friends of both genders. This is a subtle way to let your ex know that your social life is far from dead.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
I just finished watching another college teen movie flick and its setting was in the London part. Have you noticed that most often this kind of movies include the prom scene and it is part of the story’s climax. When there is prom, definitely there would be limousines with all those champagnes, big sound, and leather comfortable seats, operable windows, TV and a lot more features. Just imagine, you the guy arrives in a limousine and your date waiting at her house and the excitement of her showing upon seeing you will get there by a limousine. Great isn’t it. I just have one question though, why is that they usually, open the roof part of the limousine and they all get into it and shout? Looks like a lot of fun right. Well, that is the beauty of having a limousine or if it is just a limo hire London, you will definitely get into your prom or any kind of event in style and you will definitely make an impression to the other visitors. Now, I know why they arrive late. The more lately the more guest have already arrived in the venue for them to see you arrive in a limousine and that pink limousine is perfect for this one.
Monday, August 13, 2012

Date a guy who aims to be a Job 29 Man. Do you know the characteristics of a Job 29 Man? Well.. Let me tell you.
He is the kind of guy who would rather stay at home reading his bible and spending time with God worshiping Him than to be out partying with a group of friends on a Friday night.
He is the kind of guy who constantly longs for God’s presence and who walks closelywith Him. He desires for his heart to be transformed into His. Even if life gets tough, he knows that The Mighty One is holding his every moment and nothing seemed to be too difficult for him.
He is also a genuine follower of Christ. He knows that in order to be a great leader, he needs to learn how to be a genuine follower. Don’t be surprise if this guy is well respected and everyone greets him & honors him. That’s because whenever he speaks, he speaks with love and grace. And when he walks, he walks withconfidence and boldness Just like King David, he knows that his identity isn’t based on his height or stature, but on Christ alone.
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